The complexity of a cigar is in the enjoyment it provides. From its flavors to its size, there are many factors that determine how we experience the pleasure offerings from across brands and countries around the world today! Whether you’re an experienced cigar smoker or a newbie to the humidor, Smokers Choice is dedicated to providing you with the right information about quality products. Stop into one of our locations and experience our giant humidors with hundreds of selections of cigars!
Cigar Brands
Cigars come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. The tobacco used in the cigar will determine the strength and flavor while the different sizes and shapes will determine how long the cigar will last. Different brands will offer different sizes and shapes of their cigars. Cigar lengths are measured in inches but the diameter is measured in 64ths of an inch. So, a Toro, 6x50 would be 6 inches long with a diameter of 50/64ths. Cigars also come in a variety of colors or shades that will also influence flavor and strength. Scroll through the images below for a detailed description of each of the varieties.
Key terms for beginners
A small signature label that is wrapped around the head (also known as the ring).
Another word for the body of a cigar (also known as the cannon).
The leaf that is rolled around the tobacco to hold it together.
The “recipe” (blend of tobacco) that gives the cigar it’s characteristic flavor.
The end of the cigar you light.
Flat Head
A cigar style in which the head is flat. This is customary in premium Cuban cigars.
Any shaped cigar that is not the standard cylinder shape with parallel sides and a rounded head.
The end of the cigar that is clipped.
A humidity-controlled box or room that is used for storing cigars.
A cigar whose filler, binder, and wrapper are made from tobacco grown in the same country.
Premium Cigar
A handmade cigar with 100% high-grade tobacco and long filler.
Private Label Cigar
A cigar that is only made for one company and sold exclusively by them.
The unit of measurement used to calibrate the diameter of a cigar. Each measurement is divided into 1/64th of an inch, so for example, a cigar with a 32 ring is 32/64ths of an inch, or ½ inch.
Ring Gauge
A handheld device with a premeasured hole to determine if a cigar has been rolled to the accurate diameter.
A generic term to describe any cigar.
Quit + Vape
Don’t like what you see? There’s other ways to get your nicotine fix. Make the switch to vaping and enjoy the variety of tastes and flavors! Visit our Quitting page to get started.